This is a preliminary contract offer form. Artist fees are confidential by nature and will only be quoted upon receipt of a serious professional inquiry complete with the information below. You will be contacted by a HollywoodRock.com representative to confirm this offer and to collect any additional information that they may need in order to complete your event contract.
Please be prepared to wire a binder prior to confirmation on some Artists and a substantial deposit when a National Act accepts your offer. These acts range in price anywhere from $3,500 up to $750,000 and beyond on some. Make sure that you list a contact person that is authorized to make a decision quickly, sign contracts and follow through with the deposit. Information on National Acts is only temporary and in some cases, dates can only be held for a brief period. The HollywoodRock.com Management and Booking Agency has been booking shows for over 12 years. We respect your privacy and the information you provide will only be used in relation to your business with HollywoodRock.com.